This project has been my first steps into exterior design, in which we were tasked with constructing homes based on designs provided by alingsÅs huspaket and also create corresponding 3D environments. The assignment we were given was to create everything in 3d to see the possibilities / limitations of 3d.
Once the assignment was handed in, we were given the opportunity to further enhance our work using Photoshop. Specifically, I replaced the 3D-generated vegetation with photographically captured vegetation and brought the facade to life by incorporating a pre-existing photograph of corrugated steel. These adjustments were made due to time constraints during the 3D modeling phase; it was determined that post-production offered a more efficient solution.
This project has been my first steps into exterior design, in which we were tasked with constructing homes based on designs provided by alingsÅs huspaket and also create corresponding 3D environments. The assignment we were given was to create everything in 3d to see the possibilities / limitations of 3d.
Once the assignment was handed in, we were given the opportunity to further enhance our work using Photoshop. Specifically, I replaced the 3D-generated vegetation with photographically captured vegetation and brought the facade to life by incorporating a pre-existing photograph of corrugated steel. These adjustments were made due to time constraints during the 3D modeling phase; it was determined that post-production offered a more efficient solution.
Project length: 2 weeks
Software Used: 3ds Max, VRay, railclone, forest pack, CHAOS SCATTER & Photoshop